________ /O \ / O | / O \ |___________O__| \ \ | | \______/ SMB Untility **Unofficial Help and Reference Guide** ~~ by iridium_ionizer Special Thanks to M.K.S, Neil Bradley, Chezzman1, Insectduel, MirracleMXX, Yy, Extra Thanks to 手塚 卓志 (Tezuka Takashi) and 宮本 茂 (Miyamoto Shigeru) Note: If you want to see a quick (but incomplete) video tutorial, watch John Riggs' tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTUeazaKWcQ&list=PLsOTz-tlvayLmYmgreE4q1w0E6rN29T4p&index=11&t=0s TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------- 1 Basics 2 Details 3 Warp Zones 4 Edit Header 5 Vertical Height Table 6 Further Questions 7 Room Table 8 Edit Text Table 9 Edit Looping Castle 10 Quick Conversions 🍄1: Basics🍄 ---------------- • Click on the Yellow Excavator icon to change objects (bricks, blocks, pipes, etc.) - Goes to Map Mode o This includes Ladders • Click on the Red Turtle Shell icon to change enemies (goombas, lifts, etc.) - Goes to Badguys Mode - This includes: o Page Skips (such as the halfway point) o Room Changes (down a pipe) o Lifts (moving platforms) • Edit --> Choose Room (or pipe icon) to switch levels. - Green Pipe button on the Toolbar. - Note: The bonus areas (underground, in beanstalks, etc.) are in different rooms. • Double Left Click on object or enemy to change properties (type, position, etc.) - You can also double Left click on the object in the map screen. - Or drag it around on the map screen. • Right Click --> Send Object to change location of an object or enemy (a different page, room). - Page = screen within a level. - Room = level (or bonus area). 🌻2: Details🌻 ---------------- • The Length of bricks is their horizontal length (and secret blocks can be hidden inside). • The Length of pipes is their vertical height. There are also other blocks that are aligned vertically. • Some groups of enemies are denoted by their FIXED vertical position. - V=10 (on ground level) - V=6 (on typical block height) • If you have 4 or more objects which start at the same vertical column, they will GLITCH and you will not see most of the other objects on THAT page. - There are other limitations on the number of objects per page. • Sometimes if you move the Page skip even slightly within a page, other objects (and enemies) will move several pages over INSTANTLY. - I ran into this issue near the halfway poin of 8-1, and then I just moved the page skip back. • The Room change (enemies) change from the current level map to a different level map. Note: Even if the Room changes it will not change the level designation (unless it is a warp zone). - [25H(Ground), w=1, p=10] means go to Room 25 [H] and Page 10 if you are on World 1. - [28H(Ground), w=2, p=7] means go to Room 28 [H] and Page 7 if you are on World 2. - [40H(Underground), w=1, p=7] means go to Room 40 [H] and Page 7 if you are on World 1. • Scenes (at V=14, H=0) determine the the floor, ceilings, backgrounds, etc. - You can edit the object to change the scene (note that it will probably change the background for the previous page as well). - Dropping down the floor (for things like coins) doesn't get you stuck. - A lot of times when you jam too many prizes on one page, some of them start disappearing even if they are visible in the level editor. • Note that there is a checkbox in the Edit box for enemies (including lifts) that allows them to appear after level 5-3 (the default Hard level). - This is because there are several levels that are repeats, just with more enemies and smaller lifts. 🐢🍄3: Warp Zones🍄🐢 ------------------- • This changes the text headers (which is what the Warp Zone object is) AND the pipe destinations. Tools --> Edit Some Game Stuff --> Warp Zones Warp Zone 1 --> 4 3 2 (end of 1-2) Warp Zone 2 --> 36 5 36 (end of 4-2) Warp Zone 3 --> 8 7 6 (vine in 4-2) o So if the left pipe destination is 4, then going down that pipe will send the player to World 4-1. o Also that pipe destination 36 is no destination. It will show up as blank on the screen, but if a pipe is there it will take the player to a glitched level. • To alter the locations - Take the pipes and move them to a different level. • Room Change (vine) --> Mushroom Hill Warp Zone - You will not be able to move this with the Send Object command - Instead move an enemy from that level to the desired page - Then Edit the enemy and change the binary (which is actually hexcode) 1e 2f 60 - You will also need to change the world in the Edit box (so the correct level shows up in the HUD). - Note that because the hexcode is so long, it will actually glitch all of the enemies after that point in the level, but you can edit them back to normal. ⭐🌟4: Edit --> Edit Header🌟⭐ --------------------------- • Time = Time limit for level - Not set - 400 (default) - 300 - 200 • Position = starting position in level - V = -1, H = 1.5 - Start of area:X, from another room; V=-1, H=1.5 (default underground) - V = 10, H = 1.5 (default) - V = 4, H = 1.5 - V = -1, H = 1.5 - V = -1, H = 1.5 - V = 10, H = 1.5 (walking) - V = 10, H = 1.5 (walking) • Back = Background and Color Scheme - Nothing (default) - In Water - Wall (like level 8-3) - Over Water - Night - Snow (black and brown) - Night and Snow - Castle (black and grey) • Type = Types of platforms - Green and tree (default) - Orange and Mushroom - Guns (every platform is a cannon) - Clouds (the ground is clouds). Note: this also changes bricks into clouds. • Seanery - aka Scenery - Nothing (default) - Clouds (billowy clouds in the sky) - Mountains (hills and shrubs on the ground, while billowy clouds in the sky) - Fence (fences and small trees on the ground, while billowy clouds in the sky) Note: Some of the Types and Seanerys can only go together. Example: Can't do Orange and Mushroom TYPE with Clouds SEANERY • Basic Brick = Sets the starting scene for the level (ground and / or ceiling) Note: Surface Height is UP from 12 and Ceiling height is DOWN from -1 Example: Surface (5) is actually 6 layers of floor up from the bottom of the screen. - Brick: None - Brick: Surface (default) - at 11 - Brick: Surface & ceiling - Brick: Surface & ceiling (3) - Brick: Surface & ceiling (4) - Brick: Surface & ceiling (8) - Brick: Surface (4) & ceiling - Brick: Surface (4) & ceiling (3) - Brick: Surface (4) & ceiling (4) - Brick: Surface (5) & ceiling - Brick: Ceiling - Brick: Surface (5) & ceiling (4) - Brick: Surface (8) & ceiling - Brick: Surface & ceiling & middle (5) - Brick: Surface & ceiling & middle (4) - Brick: All (everythings is the ground!!!) • Attribute = Palette swap and some tile changes - Sea (ground becomes coral) - Ground (default) - Underground - Castle (ground becomes castle stone) Area • Halfway Page (6) ⭐🌟5: Vertical Height Table🌟⭐ --------------------------- • higher number = lower on the screen Vertical| Height | Description ------------------------------------ V=-1 | (visible top) V= 0 | V= 1 | (top blocks) ------------------------------------ V= 2 | V= 3 | Level for Horizontal ?Blocks V= 4 | ------------------------------------ V= 5 | V= 6 | (on typical block height) V= 7 | (typical block height) Level for Horizontal ?Blocks ------------------------------------ V= 8 | V= 9 | V=10 | (enemies at ground level) ------------------------------------ V=11 | (ground level) V=12 | HOLES, series of ?Blocks, bridges, balanc rope, etc. Use THIS height V=13 | (bottom) AXE, etc. _ __ |❔|6: Further Questions |❔| ͞ ͞ ͞ - I'm not sure why some objects / enemies cannot be rearranged. - I'm not sure why the exit pipes in the underground bonus rooms disappear when you rearrange other objects. (see in Details above) - I'm not sure why the jump board sometimes glitches. o Is it due to the vertical location of where its placed. (Try V = 9) o Usually it works fine. o But sometimes (without any changes) the invisible jump board just happens (Mario gets stuck). - note this glitch is occasionally seen when running the original game on actual hardware. - I'm not sure what the page flags do. 🐢🌵7: Room Table🌵🐢 -------------------- Room # | Location Description -------------------------------- Room 00 | Water Pipe (from 5-2, 6-2) Room 01 | 2-2 Swimming Level (also 7-2) Room 02 | Fiery Water Pipe (from 8-4) -------------------------------- Room 20 | 3-3 Night Cliffs Room 21 | 8-3 Hammer Bros. Outside Castle Room 22 | 4-1 Lakitu Spikey Sprint -------------------------------- Room 23 | 3-2 Night Part II Room 24 | 3-1 Night Part I (100-up) Room 25 | 1-1 Start -------------------------------- Room 26 | 1-3 Cliffs (also 5-3 w/ bullets) Room 27 | 2-3 Flying Fish (also 7-3 w/ turtles) Room 28 | 2-1 Normal Room 29 | Underworld pipe intro -------------------------------- Room 2a | 5-1 Long Stretch Room 2b | Cloud Coin Land Room 2c | 4-3 Mushroom Cliffs -------------------------------- Room 2d | 6-3 Greyscale Nights Room 2e | 6-1 Lakitu Nights Room 2f | Mushroom Cliffs Warp Zone (from 4-2) -------------------------------- Room 30 | 8-1 Hard Jumps Room 31 | 5-2 Hammer Bros. Room 32 | 8-2 Lakitu Start -------------------------------- Room 33 | 7-1 Hammer and Bullets Room 34 | Night Cloud Coin Land Room 35 | 3-2 Night Flat Stretch -------------------------------- Room 40 | 1-2 Underground Room 41 | 4-2 Underground Room 42 | Underground Coin Rooms* -------------------------------- Room 60 | 1-4 Castle (also 6-4 w/ more fire wheels) Room 61 | 4-4 Castle Maze (easy) Room 62 | 2-4 Castle (also 5-4 w/ big fire wheel) -------------------------------- Room 63 | 3-4 Hotfoot hop Room 64 | 7-4 Castle Maze (tough) Room 65 | 8-4 Castle Master Maze TOTAL ROOMS = 11*3+1 = 34 * = Room 42 (Underground Coin Rooms) • Page 0 = big pile of coins • Page 2 = 2 rows of coins • Page 4 = Pyramid in the middle • Page 6 = Brick bunker at bottom • Page 8 = Brick bunker at top - Also the Scroll Stop needs to be placed at H=4, V=13 of the next page for Bonus rooms. ---------❔🐢🍄🎆⭐🌟🌵🌻🧱•□◊○∆† 🍄8: Edit Text Table🍄 Tools --> Edit Text ------------------------------------------------ Original Text | # char* | ------------------------------------------------ MARIO(Status Bar) | 5 | MARIO(Time up at two players mode) | 5 | MARIO(Game over) | 5 | ------------------------------------------------ LUIGI(Status Bar/Time up/Game over) | 5 | WORLD TIME(Status Bar) | 11 | WORLD(On the World 1-1 ect screen) | 5 | ------------------------------------------------ TIME UP | 7 | GAME OVER | 9 | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | 21 | ------------------------------------------------ THANK YOU MARIO! | 16 | THANK YOU LUIGI! | 16 | BUT OUR PRINCESS IS IN | 22 | ------------------------------------------------ ANOTHER CASTLE! | 15 | YOUR QUEST IS OVER. | 19 | WE PRESENT YOU A NEW QUEST. | 27 | ------------------------------------------------ PUSH BUTTON B | 13 | TO SELECT A WORLD | 17 | @1985 NINTENDO(© Title Screen) | 14 | ------------------------------------------------ 1 PLAYER GAME(Title screen) | 13 | 2 PLAYER GAME(Title screen) | 13 | | | ------------------------------------------------ *# char = number of text characters _ _ _ | |_| |_| | \ / | | | | _ _ _ | | _ _ _ | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| | | 9: Edit Looping Castle | | Loop (Maze) | Tools --> Edit Looping Castle World (+1 to get displayed World #) 03 03 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 Page (end of a loop segment) 05 09 04 05 06 08 09 0a 06 0b 10 V pos (vertical position) 40 b0 b0 80 40 40 80 40 f0 f0 f0 Offset of map page skip data [horizontal offset?] 12 36 0e 0e 0e 32 32 32 0a 26 40 World 7's loop World 06 06 Notice how the V pos values all have zeroes for the last digit. So disregard the last digit and take the first digit only as the vertical position. Take the value and -1 ? to find where the invisible loop flag is. ** EXAMPLE (the first two columns of data): World (+1 to get displayed World #) 03 03 Page (end of a loop segment) 05 09 V pos (vertical position) 40 b0 Offset of map page skip data [horizontal offset?] 12 36 This means in the castle in World 4 (the only type of level that can have a looping maze), there are two loops. The first loop ends on page 05 with its vertical position at 3 (since 4 - 1 = 3) and a horizontal position of 12 on that page. The second loop ends on page 09 with its vertical position at 10 (since 0b - 01 = 0a = 10 in decimal) and a horizontal position of 36 on that page. 10 - Quick Conversions (Hexadecimal --> Decimal) 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 a=10 b=11 c=12 d=13 e=14 f=15 10=16 More Quick Conversions 0a=10 0b=11 0e=14 10=16 12=18 26=38 32=50 36=54 40=64 80=128 b0=176 f0=240